Intermediate post type settings
Custom Fields
Custom category and tag sets (taxonomies)
You can any multiple custom category (and tag) sets to a custom post type. You can also share a category set between different custom post types.
An example of how you might use category sets is a site where you have two custom post types: Movies and Actors. Along with the post types, you have two category sets of Awards and Genres. Movies will use both Awards and Genres. Whereas, Actors will share the Awards categories with Movies since Awards can be given to either a movie or an actor. But, a genre really only applies to a movie. Because they share the category Awards, you can the use custom query to display both Movies and Actors in the same loop.
Add a new category set to a post type
From the post type edit page, go to the "Category Sets" box.
- Click the "Add category set" button.
- A dialog will appear with the title "Add New Category".
- Enter a name for the category in the field labeled "Name".
- Select if the category set will be a "Category" (with parent child relationship between terms) or "Tags" (with no relationship between terms). You cannot change this later on.
- Click the "Add Category" button.
Add an existing category set to a post type
Again, from the post type edit page, go to the "Category Sets" box. You will see the existing category sets in the table.
- Find the category set you wish to add and check the check-box in the "Use" column.
- Click the "Save categories" button.
Remove a category set from a post type
Similar to the steps above for adding an existing category, go to the "Category Sets" box.
- Find the category set you wish to remove associations with the post type and then uncheck the check-box in the "Use" column.
- Click the "Save categories" button.