Post type basics
WordPress custom post types at the core are a name (plural, singular, and system key) and a bunch of features you can turn on or off.
Basics for creating a post type
- In your site's admin area, go to "Easy Post Types" > " General Settings".
- In the "Add a New Post Type" form, enter the name of your post type into the "Name" field. The name needs to be the plural version of the name.
- WP Easy Post Type tries to create a singular version of the name from the plural version which you can see in the "Singular name" field. If the singular name is not correct, click the "edit" button next to it and change the value.
- The "System key" can be left blank and WP Easy Post Types will create a key from the name (lowercase and converting any character that is not a letter or digit into an underscore). You can enter a key in if you want to customize it - only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores are allowed.
- By default, the features that are checked are the same set of features that the default WordPress Posts post type has. You can change these if you wish for a different set of features.
- Click the "Add Post Type" button.
- Now the post type has been created. You will see a new entry for the type in the table on the right and a new menu item for your type in the admin menu (just below the "Comments" item). You can further customize your post type by clicking "edit" below the entry in the table. You can also start creating content for the type by clicking the drop down button for the menu item and then clicking "Add new".
You can customize the features that are enabled for each custom post type. Below is an overview of the features.
Editing a post type
You can edit many of the settings for a custom post type you create in WP Easy Post Types.
Quick edit
Just as you can do the quick edit for posts, you can quickly the basic settings for a post type.
- Go to the WP Easy Post Types settings page ("Easy Post Types" > "General Settings").
- In the table with all the custom post types created with WP Easy Post Types, place your cursor over the name of the post type you want to edit. You will see three links appear below the name
- Click on "Quick Edit" link. The row in the table will be replaced with a form to edit the basic settings of the post type.
- Make your changes to the settings in the form.
- When finished making changes, click the "Update" button to save your changes. Or, if you do not want to save your changes, click the "Cancel" button. The row with the form will be again as it was before with the reflected changes (if any).
Each post type, created in WP Easy Post Types, has an admin page where you can edit basic and advance settings and configurations.
- Go to the WP Easy Post Types settings page ("Easy Post Types" > "General Settings").
- In the table with all the custom post types created with WP Easy Post Types, click the name of the post type or click the "Edit" link that appears below it.
- You will be taken to a page with all the settings and configuration for the post type.
- When you are done making changes and wish to save your changes, click the "Save" button.
Customized features
The title field for a post.
The editor which includes the WYSIWYG and the HTML along with the media upload/insert buttons.
Will the post have an author associated with the post.
The ability to have a feature image associated with the post.
The ability to set a custom excerpt.
Support for trackbacks on the posts.
custom fields
The ability to use custom fields on the posts.
Support for comments for the posts.
Keeping revisions of the posts.
parent-child relationships
Will the posts in the type be able to have other posts as a parent (just like what happens for Pages).
page attributes
This controls the display of the box to set what page template is used and order of the post. It only applies when the "parent-child relationships" is enabled.